Group overview
InstituteSDGs Civil Society Network (abbreviation: SDGs Japan) is a Japanese CSO (Civil Society Organization), NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), NPO (Non-Profit Organization) established in 2016 with the aim of realizing a sustainable world. corporation) network organization. (acquired corporate status in February 2017)
To realize a society in which all people can live with dignity as human beings by eliminating disparities in all aspects such as poverty, gender, regional disparities, and educational disparities, in accordance with the SDGs philosophy of leaving no one behind. Furthermore, from the standpoint of civil society, we are working on policy advocacy activities and consulting for problem solving in collaboration with private companies, local governments, international organizations, governments, and civil society organizations in other countries.
Three pillars of activity
(1) Policy proposal activities:
By sending three civil society representatives from member organizations to the SDGs promotion round table set up by the Japanese government in 2016, we will work to reach out to the Japanese government. We are engaged in advocacy activities for the realization of SDGs from the perspective of civil society. In addition, the international network related to SDGs is also disseminating information for the realization of SDGs from Japan.
(2) Promotion of cooperation with regions and other sectors:
It is impossible to achieve the SDGs through the efforts of civil society alone. SDGs Japan promotes cooperation with local governments and local NGOs, and works as a bridge with the aim of implementing comprehensive SDGs policies and measures in cooperation with private companies, research institutes, governments, and administrative bodies.
③Dissemination and enlightenment of SDGs:
As of 2018, the recognition rate of SDGs has not yet reached 20%. SDGs Japan introduces various issues related to the SDGs through the distribution of articles in the media, transmission of original information, and opportunities such as events, and provides opportunities for everyone to think and act from multiple perspectives.
Formal name
SDGs Civil Society Network (abbreviation: SDGs Japan)
English name
Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs (abbreviation: SDGs Japan)
Date of establishment
April 20, 2016 (Corporate status acquired: February 27, 2017)
History of SDGs Japan
Established as a "post-2015 NGO platform" to reflect the voices of Japanese citizens in multilateral negotiations for the formation of the SDGs, and is responsible for dialogue between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japanese civil society.
Discussions on SDGs negotiations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (15 times in total), dialogue with Amina Mohammed Post 2015 Special Advisor to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (2 times) It plays a role of coordinator of Japanese civil society. In September 2015, he also participated in the UN SDGs adoption summit in New York.
・April 2016
Reorganized as "SDGs Civil Society Network". 11 sectoral groups, such as development, environment, disability, and gender, have started initiatives to realize the SDGs.
・September 2016
Dispatched three members to the “SDGs Promotion Round Table Conference” established by the government. Proactive policy advocacy activities for the formulation of the government's "SDGs implementation guidelines". A joint press conference was held with representatives of governments, international organizations, the private sector and academia when the guidelines were established in December.
・November 2016
Event "Future 2030 in Japan" held. Hiroto Izumi, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, and other leading figures in promoting the SDGs in the government, parliamentarians, private companies, and academia, peacefully expressed their determination to promote the SDGs with the comedian "Long Long" as moderator.
・February 2017
“SDGs Civil Society Network” (SDGs Japan) established
Number of participating organizations
100 groups (as of August 2018)
〒110-0015 1-20-6 Higashi-Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo Maruko Building 3F
contact address
Phone: 050-7505-5221 Fax: 03-3834-6903
email address:office@sdgs-japan.net
Access 8 minutes walk from JR/Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line "Ueno" station 7 minutes walk from JR Yamanote Line "Okachimachi" station
7 minute walk from Nakaokachimachi Station on the Metro Hibiya Line 8 minute walk from Ueno Okachimachi Station on the Toei Oedo Line
In order to achieve the SDGs, SDGs Japan will make policy proposals and actions, raise awareness and disseminate SDGs, strengthen cooperation with private companies, academia, international organizations, governments, etc. working on SDGs, and make proposals and advice. We will work on research and research.
■Business unit system
We have prepared a "business unit" system as a framework for working with multiple organizations on issues such as health, education, poverty and inequality, as well as regional and community issues.
For application to join the unitSDGs Japan SecretariatPlease contact us.
■ Membership system
We have prepared a wide range of membership systems so that many organizations that promote the SDGs, including NGO/NPO members, can work together.
Inquiries and applications regarding the membership systemhere.
How it works
Business structure
Participating organizations participate in "business units" and work on projects to achieve SDGs in line with fields related to SDGs and in order to realize SDGs in the regions and communities where they operate. Currently, the following units are active (including those under preparation).
(1) Environment unit
■Secretary organization/secretary name:Jiro Adachi, Research Center for Environmental and Sustainable Society (JACSES) / Tomoko Hoshino, Environmental Partnership Conference
■Overview:Share information on environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, formation of a recycling-oriented society, and chemical substances, participate in related meetings, and make policy recommendations.
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:12/3 Holding a meeting on climate change in Kyoto/2/17-18 Participating in a biodiversity-related meeting in Tokyo
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:8 people from 5 groups
■ Participating organization name:JACSES, EPC, IUCN-J, Juon Network, CI Japan
(Participants of the Preparatory Committee/Interested Organizations) WWF Japan, Green Union, Wild Bird Society of Japan, Japan Environmental Education Forum, Recycling Research Institute, Climate Youth Japan, Kiko Network, Environmental Citizens, United Nations Decade of Biodiversity Citizens Network, ESD-J, A SEED JAPAN
(2) Developing Countries General Development/Development Finance Unit
■Secretary organization and secretary name:International Cooperation NGO Center Hideki Wakabayashi/World Vision Japan Tetsuko Shibata/Save the Children Japan Yumiko Horie, Yoko Ono/Adora Japan Ryuta Maekawa/Africa Japan Council Masaki Inaba
■Overview:This is a unit that makes policy recommendations for achieving the SDGs globally, especially in the area of development in developing countries. We will make policy recommendations and work to ensure that Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) and other international cooperation are more in line with the values of the SDGs and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. We will also collaborate with UN agencies and overseas civil society networks aiming to achieve the SDGs. In addition to development, we will also work on operations related to the overall international activities of SDGs Japan.
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:
(1) We will make policy recommendations so that Japan's ODA is more in line with and contributes to the SDGs.
We will also work to increase Japan's contributions to international organizations that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
(2) In 2019, the “High-level Political Forum Summit” will be held at the United Nations to evaluate the progress of the SDGs.
important opportunities to promote the SDGs, such as the G20 Summit and TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development).
There are many We will create a framework for the efforts of Japanese civil society toward these goals and promote their activities.
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:11 full-membership organizations, 4 cooperating/information-sharing organizations
■ Participating organization name:Adora Japan, Africa Japan Council, Global Solidarity Tax Forum, CSO Network, JYPS, JANIC, JOICFP, Save the Children Japan, Hunger Free World, Plan International Japan, World Vision Japan, Water Aid Japan, Development Education Association, Japan Results, Japan Federation of Workers' Cooperatives, Malaria No More Japan
(3) Disability Unit (in preparation): Issues related to human rights of persons with disabilities
■Secretary:Keiichiro Tamaru (special activity) DPI Japan Conference
(4) gender unit
■Secretary organization and secretary name:(Public interest incorporated foundation) JOICFP Sumie Ishii/JAWW (Japan Women's Watch Organization) Yukiko Oda
■Overview:A unit that makes policy recommendations for achieving the SDGs from a gender perspective. We will make proposals and encourage domestic policies and international cooperation so that gender perspectives become mainstream in Japan and overseas and gender equality is achieved. We will also collaborate with UN agencies and overseas networks aiming to achieve the SDGs.
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:
1. Study sessions will be held on the following occasions scheduled in 2019 so that we can make proposals from a gender perspective.
and expand your network.
Review of SDGs Implementation Guidelines/High-Level Political Forum Summit/TICAD VII/G20 Summit
2. We will make recommendations on domestic and international policies to ensure that gender perspectives are mainstreamed in the implementation of the SDGs.
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:3 groups, number of individuals: 70 people
■ Participating organization name:(Public interest incorporated foundation) JOICFP, JAWW (Japan Women's Watch Organization), Women and Health Network
(5) Disaster Prevention and Risk Reduction Unit
■Secretary organization and secretary name:Masaaki Ohashi, Japan CSO Network for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (JCC-DRR)
■Overview:We will conduct activities and monitoring to achieve the targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which is a global guideline for disaster risk reduction until 2030, and the SDGs related to disaster risk reduction and mitigation. Aiming to create a society that is resilient to disasters, we communicate the lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident to the world, and make policy proposals that are in harmony with international trends and disseminate information at international conferences.
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:
1. Develop a tool to measure the progress of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction from the citizen's point of view, and make policy recommendations based on it.
(1) Collaborate with academic institutions to actively collect evidence of existing gaps and successful examples,
issue a paper.
(2) Exchange opinions with the Japanese government (Cabinet Office, etc.) based on progress monitoring results by civil society.
(3) In the event of future disasters, extract the parts that "exceed expectations" and publish the experiences and lessons learned through newsletters
2. Promote multi-sectoral collaboration and innovation to solve disaster prevention issues
(1) MIRAI (Multi-sector Initiative for Research, Action, and Impact) advocated at the Davos Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Established the fund and entered the management body.
(2) Hold a disaster prevention innovation forum once a year.
(3) Create a multi-sector project to solve specific problems.
④ Collaborate with Climate Change Application Information Platform (A-PLAT), local governments, and civil society organizations to
Based on the predictions of future disasters, prompt evacuation actions, enlightenment, risk reduction activities including the development and implementation of self-defense plans
activities, multi-sectoral collaboration, and education on innovation.
3. Widely share experience and knowledge of disaster prevention in Japan and overseas
(1) Present the results at the Asia Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (2018 Mongolia).
(2) Present the results at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (Geneva, 2019).
(3) Conduct overseas activities to support the development of disaster prevention plans up to 2020 advocated by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
④ Participate in the UN ISDR Civil Society Advisory Group.
(5) International conferences and training organized by UNISDR appropriately deal with man-made and industrial disasters centered on nuclear power plant disasters.
Make recommendations, monitor, etc. so that
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:56 organizations
■ Participating organization name:Ayus Buddhism International Cooperation Network, RQ Disaster Education Center, ADRA Japa, International Medical Corps Japan, Women's Eye, Utsukushima NPO Network, FoE Japan, NPO Universal Design, Office Beni, Green Umbrella, Care International Japan, Environment and International Study Group , Disaster Mitigation and Gender Equality Training Promotion Center, International Education NGO Earth Media, International Cooperation NGO Center (JANIC), International Scientology Volunteers, International Volunteer Student Association, Land Disaster Prevention Technology Co., Ltd., United Nations Decade of Biodiversity Citizen Network, Concert Vation International Japan, CSO Network, SEEDS Asia, CWS Japan, JEN, Shapla Neer Citizens' Overseas Cooperation Group, Shalom, Shanti International Volunteer Association, JOICFP, Society for Protecting Lives from Earthquakes, Save the Children Japan, World Women's Conference Okayama Liaison Committee, Soka Gakkai Peace Committee, Gender Equality and Disaster Reconstruction Network, Community Collaboration Platform, ChildFund Japan, DPI Japan Conference, Association for Refugees, Association for Aid and Relief, Japan Israel Aid Support Program, Japan Iraq Medical Assistance Network, Japan NPO Center, Japan Results, Japan YMCA Alliance, Peace Boat Disaster Volunteer Center, Great East Japan Earthquake Relief National Network (JCN), Fukushima Collaborative Reconstruction Center, Fukushima NPO Network Center, Fukushima Earth Shimin Hatsudensho, Plus Arts, Plan Japan, Project Rias, Hope Worldwide Japan, Miyagi Johnette, Miyagi Reconstruction Center, Yokohama NGO Liaison Committee, World Vision Japan
(6) Domestic Poverty and Inequality Unit (in preparation): Issues related to widening poverty and inequality in Japan
■ Person in charge:Onishiren (Special Activities) Independent Living Support Center Moyai
(7) Youth unit
■Secretary organization and secretary name:Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability (JYPS) Katsuhito Okubo
■Overview:Youth and related entities in Japan will monitor and evaluate domestic and international policies for the realization of the SDGs, and achieve active and effective participation in related international conferences, consultations and negotiations. With the goal. Therefore, while participating in youth activities, we will appropriately gather opinions in each field related to youth, formulate and propose policies that are in line with the viewpoint of youth, and raise awareness in society.
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:Promote youth participation in society through collaboration with the Japanese government at the UN ECOSOC Youth Forum, etc. At the same time, make policy recommendations for reviewing the Japanese government's SDGs implementation guidelines at high-level political forums.
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:25 groups, 310 individual participants
■ Participating organization name:Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability
(8) Regional unit (in preparation): Issues related to local social and economic revitalization
Responsible:Eriko Nitta (special activity) Japan NPO Center
(9) Social Responsibility Unit
■General leader name/organization:CSO Network Kaori Kuroda/AAR Japan [Association for Aid and Relief] Yoshiaki Horie
■Overview:The Social Responsibility (SR) Unit is the parent organization of the "NPO/NGO Network for Improving Social Responsibility," which promotes the resolution of issues through multi-stakeholder processes as well as the improvement of social responsibility and trust in all organizations. unit to be We will also actively promote links with regional roundtable meetings and SDGs.
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:Initiative themes include (1) linkage between SDGs and SR, (2) promotion of sustainable procurement (private, public, and government), (3) business and human rights, etc.
ML: Yes
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:27 organizations
■ Participating organization name:(Secretary organizations) Japan NPO Center, Environmental Partnership Conference, AAR Japan, CSO Network, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center, NPO Support Center, International Institute for People, Organizations and the Earth
(Member organizations) Save the Children Japan, Shapla Neer, JANIC, ACE, ETIC., etc.
(List of constituent organizations)http://sr-nn.net/about
(10) Education Unit
■Secretary organization and secretary name:Education Cooperation NGO Network (JNNE) Naoko Shirotani / Development Education Association (DEAR) Eno Nakamura
■Overview:Policy proposals, public relations and enlightenment on SDG4 (education: including both international and domestic issues), and monitoring of the implementation status of SDG4 in the implementation guidelines of the Japanese government. For international issues, the NGO Network for Educational Cooperation (JNNE), which consists of 21 NGOs, and for domestic issues, the Association for Development Education (DEAR) plays a central role.
Medium- to long-term activity schedule: Policy proposal campaign (the world's largest class) / Advocacy activities to the Japanese government / Spread of ESD
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:Group member 21 groups, cooperating group member 3 universities
■ Participating organization name:Association for Working Together with Asia and Africa, DRA Japan, Citizens' Association for Regional Development in Africa, ACE, Oxfam Japan, Development Education Association, Good Neighbors Japan, Shanti International Volunteer Association, Save the Children Japan, Salt Payatas, ChildFund Japan, Plan International Japan, Minsai Center, Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan, Japan Results, Japan YMCA Alliance, Free the Children Japan, Palestinian Children's Campaign, UNESCO Asia Culture Center, Laotian Children, World Vision Japan, Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University, Institute of Human Development and Education, Ochanomizu University, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
(11) Global Health Unit
■Secretary organization and secretary name:Share = Citizens' Association for Global Health Cooperation Miki Nishiyama
■Overview:The health unit is a unit that gathers NGOs that are working to achieve the SDGs around the world, especially in the health and medical fields of developing countries. Members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/NGO Council on GII/IDI are participating as they are as a unit.
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:①Efforts related to UHC, such as the UHC Forum, ②Holding seminars on health issues
(3) Advocacy on domestic and international health issues, (4) Cooperation with NGOs and NPOs working on domestic health issues
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:30 groups
■ Participating organization name:Asian Arsenic Network, ADRA Japan, African Japan Council, AMDA Agency for Social Development, AIDS & Society Research Conference, Anti-Tuberculosis Society, Women's Group for Aging Society, International Women's Year Liaison Committee, Doctors Without Borders, SHARE=International Health Cooperation Citizens Association, JOICFP, Women and Health Network (WHJ), Population Issues Council, Stop Tuberculosis Partnership Japan, Space Arise, Save the Children Japan, World Medical Corps (Medecin du Monde Japon) , ChildFund Japan, Association for Aid and Relief, 2050, Japan Center for International Exchange, Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC), Japan Results, Malaria No More Japan, Plan Japan, HANDS, People's Hope Japan, World Vision・Japan (WVJ), Japan Committee for Vaccines for the World's Children (JVC), Malnutrition Action Network
(12) PR Unit
■Secretary organization and secretary name:Malaria No More Japan Miki Nagashima
■Overview:The Public Relations Unit forms a loose network of NGO public relations staff and the private sector with an interest in the SDGs. Unit activities are as follows.
(1) Introduction of activities of each business unit, joint planning and operation
(2) Management of a campaign to improve SDGs awareness
(3) Promotion of collaboration and cooperation with the private sector
■ Medium- to long-term activity schedule:After the start of the public relations campaign on SDGs, we aim to improve awareness and at the same time aim to contribute to the realization of SDGs through the establishment of the SDGs Fund (provisional).
■ ML:can be
■As of October 2017 Participating groups/individuals:5 groups, 3 individual participants
■ Participating organization name:Malaria No More Japan, Jen, Moyai, JOICFP, Plan Japan, Save the Children Japan
Organization Officer <Term of office from August 2017 to the end of July 2019>
Affiliated organizations, etc. (corporation name omitted)
Representative Director
Kaori Kuroda