Biography of Business Unit Secretary
SDGs Japan has prepared a "business unit" system as a framework for working with multiple organizations on themes such as health, education, poverty and inequality, as well as regional and community issues. At present, monthly business management meetings are held with the participation of the secretary groups of the 12 Units, where they share information on the progress of Unit activities and exchange opinions on policy advocacy activities.
(1) Development Unit (general development and development finance unit for developing countries)

World Vision Japan, a specified non-profit organization
Senior Advocacy Advisor
Tetsuko Shibata
After working in bilateral aid at the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, he was stationed in Afghanistan as the office manager of the international NGO Gen, where he was involved in supporting returnees. Joined World Vision Japan in 2011. Since 2013, he has been involved in advocacy related to children's rights, including international health, education, the elimination of violence against children, and the SDGs.
In addition to serving as facilitator of the SDGs Civil Society Network Project Management Committee and development unit secretary, he is also vice representative of the Educational Cooperation NGO Network.
Master of Arts (International Contribution), Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo.

Specified non-profit organization International Cooperation NGO Center
Senior Advocacy Officer
Aoi Horiuchi
Belongs to JANIC since 2012. Recommendations for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), NGO-side secretariat of the "Cooperation Promotion Committee" of the NGO/Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodic council, for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit and the G20 Osaka Summit In charge of the secretariat of the CSO Platform, he was involved in making recommendations for improving the quality and transparency of Japan's ODA, and building collaborations with network NGOs in Asian countries. Organizer of the NGO Action Network for Civil Society Spaces (NANCiS). Since April 2022, he has been the deputy director of the civil society think tank "THINK Lobby", in charge of democracy and civil society space projects in Asia.

Director of Advocacy Department, Save the Children Japan Public Interest Incorporated Association
Yumiko Horie
(2) Environment unit

Executive Director, Non-Profit Organization Research Center for Environment and Sustainable Society (JACSES)
Jiro Adachi
Graduated from the College of Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo. After working at a chemical/materials-related company, became a JACSES staff member. He also serves as an NPO executive, corporate executive, think tank fellow, part-time university lecturer (in charge of "NPO/NGO theory, etc."), etc. His publications include "Environmental Tax: Tax and Fiscal Reform and a Sustainable Welfare Society" (Tsukiji Shokan, single author), "Gigaton Gap: Climate Change and International Negotiations" (Alterna, co-author), and "The Limits of the Earth" (Japan Science and Technology Federation). , co-author) etc. “Climate Change and SDGs” is currently being serialized in Alterna.

Deputy Representative Director, Environmental Partnership Council, General Incorporated Association
Tomoko Hoshino
After graduating from university, he worked for an environmental organization. Participated in the ``United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)'' promotion movement in 2002, the Citizen Network for Biodiversity COP10 in 2010, and the launch and management of the Rio+20 Earth Summit NGO Liaison Committee. . Involved in the operation of Global Environmental Partnership Plaza since 2003. In his current position, he promotes partnerships such as promoting and disseminating the SDGs and creating opportunities for dialogue. He serves as a director of the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, the National Organic Agriculture Promotion Council, and the Africa-Japan Council, as well as a member of the Ministry of the Environment's SDGs Stakeholders Meeting.
(3) Education Unit

Executive Director, Education Cooperation NGO Network (JNNE)
Takashi Miyake
Educational project advisor for Shanti International Volunteer Association (SVA). Secretary-General of NGO Network for Cooperation in Education (JNNE), Director of Development Education Association. Part-time lecturer at Asia University and Nippon Fukushi University. Doctor of Education (Sophia University). His books include “Education for Sustainable Development by International Cooperation NGOs: Learning through Social Practice for SDGs” (Design Egg Publishing) and “SDGs and Development Education – Learning for Sustainable Development Goals” (Gakubunsha) , co-authored), etc.

Executive Director of the Development Education Association (DEAR), a certified NPO
Eno Nakamura
After working for a youth organization, he completed a master's degree in education at a British graduate school. Joined the Development Education Association in 2000. Became current position in 2008 after working as a business manager. In addition to practicing and researching education (development education, ESD, etc.) that considers social issues and creates a sustainable society, we are also involved in supporting the creation of various learning spaces, building domestic and international networks, and making policy recommendations. He also serves as a director of the Ayus Buddhist International Cooperation Network and a part-time university lecturer (in charge of "Civic Activities Theory, etc.").
(4) Global Health Unit

Executive Director, WaterAid Japan, a specified non-profit organization
高橋 郁
Earned a master's degree in development studies from the Institute of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. After working in fundraising, public relations, and corporate collaboration at an emergency relief NGO, he worked for an education-related company before assuming his current position in July 2012. As the only secretariat staff member, he was involved in the establishment of WaterAid Japan, a specified non-profit organization. Currently engaged in a wide range of work including fundraising and advocacy.
(5) Social Responsibility (SR) Unit

Managing Director/Secretary Director, Hokkaido International Exchange Center (HIF)
Makoto Ikeda
Born in Hakodate. After graduating from university, he worked for a private company for 11 years, and then went to New Zealand for one year to study green tourism. After returning to Japan, he was in charge of organic farming at Kyodo Gakusha Shintoku Farm, where he lived together with people with disabilities. Current position since May 2001. Established "Onuma Milestone 22" in 2004. Currently, he is an NGO consultant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a member of the Collaboration Promotion Committee, a member of the Hokkaido Global Warming Prevention Promotion Activist, a councilor of the Japan International Work Camp Center, a director of the Boranavi Club, a representative of the Hokkaido Africa Network, and the executive director of DIG Network Hakodate, which focuses on disaster prevention. Chairman of the Onuma Ramsar Council, etc.

IIHOE [International Institute for People, Organizations and the Earth] Representative
Also Editor and Publisher of Socio Management
Hideto Kawakita
Born in Osaka in 1964. After graduating from university in 1987, he joined Recruit Co., Ltd. He was in charge of international recruitment, public relations, sales support, etc., and retired in 1991. He served as the Japanese representative for an international youth exchange NGO and as a policy secretary for a member of the Diet, and established IIHOE in 1994. We provide management support for over 100 social projects and civic activities of various sizes each year, support CSR management for over 10 socially responsible companies each year, and also support the creation of a foundation for collaboration between NPOs and the government. There is.

Chairman of the Association to Help Refugees, a specified non-profit organization
Yoshiaki Horie
Born in 1968. After completing graduate school (majoring in international law), after working for a private company, he started working for AAR Japan in January 2000, where he was involved in support projects for Cambodia and Afghanistan. Executive Director/Secretary Director since April 2005, Managing Director/Secretary Director since June 2013, and current position since July 2021. Book “Do you want to serve your company? Do you want to serve society? - Recommendations for work at international cooperation” (Bonjinsha, 2005) (co-author)

Managing Director, Executive Director, Hiroshima NPO Center, Specified Nonprofit Corporation
Hiroki Matsubara
Born in Hiroshima in 1982. After working for NPOs and companies and traveling to the United States, he plans, operates, and coordinates projects related to the environment, education, community development, tourism, disaster prevention, etc. In 2017, he became the executive director of Hiroshima NPO Center. In order to realize a prosperous civil society, we will support NPOs and volunteer activities, and collaborate with a variety of actors to solve regional issues and achieve the SDGs.
(6) Gender Unit
JOICFP Public Interest Foundation Global Advocacy Director
Bunei Saito
After working as a parliamentary policy secretary, he was involved in legislation such as the Spousal Violence Prevention (DV) Act and the Child Prostitution and Pornography Prohibition Act, and later served as Planning Coordinator in the Cabinet Office, and the first Asian regional coordinator of The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health. , served as the Fundraising and Partnerships Specialist at the United Nations Women's Agency Japan Office. Women and the 2011 East Japan Disaster (2012) The situation surrounding LGBT employment in Canada (2017) Information disclosure regarding women's empowerment and equal employment in other countries (Canada) (2019) Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality in Japan (2019) ) etc.
Vice Representative of JAWW (Japan Women's Watchdog)
織田 由紀子
Area of interest: Gender and development/environment.
(7) Faulty unit

DPI Japan Conference International Affairs Fellow
Kohei Horiba
After working for a construction consulting company, a social welfare council, a JICA expert, and a member of the DPI Japan Conference Secretariat, he is currently implementing projects supporting people with disabilities in multiple countries as a development consultant. Completed master's program at the Institute of International Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester. Specializes in disability, development, and social welfare.

自立生活センター ILみなみTama
非営利活動法人障害者相談支援センター サポート南多摩 事務局長(兼任)
Yoshihiro Mitsuoka
Born on August 9, 1979 in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. At the age of 14, he suffered a spinal cord injury as a result of surgery to remove a spinal tumor, and was forced to use a manual wheelchair. After graduating from Kawasaki University of Health and Welfare, Faculty of Health and Welfare, obtained a certified social worker degree. Completed master's program in social welfare at Hokusei Gakuen University. In 2005, he worked at an independent living center in Hachioji, Tokyo for about 10 years. Worked at the Japan Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Association for about 8 years. Currently engaged in counseling support at an independent living center and NPO in Hachioji, Tokyo.
(8) Regional Unit

Representative Director, Okayama NPO Center
Chairman of SDGs Network Okayama
Tatsuya Ishihara
In 2001, he participated in the establishment of an NPO corporation exclusively for university students. Joined Tottori City Social Welfare Council in 2003 (volunteer coordinator). In 2005, he moved to the NPO Okayama NPO Center (currently the representative director). Since then, he has participated in the establishment of NPO Minna no Village Research Institute (Representative Executive Officer), PS Setouchi Co., Ltd. (Representative Director), Kitanagase Area Management (Representative Director), SDGs Network Okayama (Chairman), etc. Works on facilitating various projects as a social "mechanist".

Japan NPO Center/NPO Japan NPO Center Deputy Executive Director
Eiji Ueda
Born in Shimane Prefecture. While attending university, he participated in international volunteer work, and was fascinated by the possibilities of civic activities, so he dropped out of university. After working as the executive director of NICE, an international volunteer NGO, he joined the Japan NPO Center in 2017. He also serves as the chairman of the Komae City Citizen Activities Support Center Management Committee. Specializes in collaborative projects between companies and NPOs and volunteer coordination, working to promote citizen participation.
(9) Business and Human Rights Unit

Director of International Cooperation NGO Center (JANIC)
Director of THINK Lobby
Business and Human Rights Civil Society Platform Representative Secretary
Chairman of the Asian Development Federation
Director of the United Nations Global Compact Network Japan
Hideki Wakabayashi
After joining Yamaha Corporation, he served as an officer of the Yamaha Labor Union and an officer of the Electrical Equipment Union, and was involved in international cooperation as first secretary of the economic section of the Japanese Embassy in the United States. In 2001, he was elected as a member of the Democratic Party of Japan's House of Councilors in a proportional district election, and served as Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in the next Cabinet. In 2008, he was a visiting researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and in 2011 he served as Amnesty International's Japan Secretary-General and JANIC Secretary-General before assuming his current position. Graduated from the Waseda University School of Commerce and completed the master's program at Michigan State University (Agriculture).
(11) Disaster prevention/mitigation unit

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Japan CSO Network Focal
Nobuyuki Asai
Born in Sendai in 1976, he later spent his elementary and junior high school years in Iwate and Tochigi prefectures.
Since 2010, at Soka Gakkai International, he has been engaged in domestic and international awareness-raising activities and advocacy in fields such as nuclear abolition, sustainable development, and disaster prevention and mitigation. Participated in the Japan CSO Network for Disaster Prevention and Reduction (JCC-DRR), which was launched in 2015, since its inception. Currently serving as the focal point for external cooperation. Member of the Japan NPO Society and the Japan Society for Social Relations.

Japan CSO Network for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation JCC-DRR Management Focal Member
Representative Director of SDGss Tohoku General Incorporated Association
Akiko Benimura
Lives in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. After being involved in supporting the activities of NPOs in the prefecture and supporting disaster areas after the Great East Japan Earthquake, he began holding SDGs study sessions led by volunteers in 2017. Established general incorporated association SDGs Tohoku in July 2018. We conduct SDGs seminars and workshops for companies, local government officials, high schools, and citizens. His motto is "SDGs should not be someone else's problem, but should be your own." Director of Fukushima Collaborative Reconstruction Center, General Incorporated Association, and Director of Minpuku, General Incorporated Association.
(12) Youth Unit

Co-Executive Director of Japan Youth Platform for a Sustainable Society
Chika Suzuki
Born on January 21, 2002. Belongs to the JYPS secretariat since August 2020, and is responsible for dissemination and awareness of Youth-led advocacy in the participation department. Participated in the SDGs Promotion Roundtable from December 2021. Since May 2022, he has been appointed as the JYPS Secretary-General, and has been making domestic policy recommendations and coordinating advocacy for international conferences. She has interned at a network NGO and an NGO working on peacebuilding.