Now is the time to take measures based on the principles of the SDGs.
Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs released the Urgent Statement on the Crisis in Ukraine.
Please download the statement fromhere (PDF file)
Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs (SDGs Japan) is a broad civil society network to mobilize civil society for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDGs Japan is composed of a diverse array of civil society organizations (CSOs) working on global, national and local issues in Japan and abroad related to SDGs. SDGs Japan also works closely with organizations from other sectors such as the private sector, religious organizations, labor unions and cooperatives.
Main activities of SDGs Japan include advocacy actions and policy making, information sharing and outreach, and public awareness campaign. Our member CSOs are actively engaged in thematic units to work specifically on different SDG agenda. As of June 2017, we have 12 units (with unit leaders) as follows:
1. Environment [Provisional]
Jiro AdachiJapan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society(JACSES))
Tomoko Hoshino (Environmental Partnership Council)
2. Development
Noriko Shibata (World Vision Japan)
Kazuhiro Tsunoda (Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation(JANIC))
3. Disability
Kohei Horiba (Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International)
4. Gender
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-5cf (JOICFP)
Yukiko Oda (Japan Women's Watch)
5. Disaster
Nobuyuki Asai, Akiko Benimura (Japan CSO Coalition for Disaster Risk Reduction)
6. Poverty in Japan [Provisional]
Ren Onishi (Moyai)
7. Youth
Masaya Takahashi, Kanon Hoshino (Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability)
8. Local Issues in Japan
Tatsuya Ishihara (Okayama NPO Center)
9. Social Responsibility
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-58d_NPO Support Center)
Yoshiaki Horie (Association for Aid and Relief, Japan)
Hideto Kawakita (International Institute for Human, Organization and the Earth)
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1Hokkaido International Foundation)
10. Education
Takafumi Miyake (Japan NGO Network for Education)
11. Global Health
Kaoru TakahashiWater Aid Japan)
12.Business and Human Rights
Hideki Wakabayashi (Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation)
3 Pillars of Our Actions
Action 1: ADVOCACY
- 3 members from CSOs attend the Government's SDGs Promotion Round-table since 2016.
Through this official conferences, SDGs Japan appeals to Government of Japan in order to implement programs for leaving no one behind.
- Organize symposium/study session as a part of advocacy.
Dec. 2017 Dialogue between UN Secretary-General and Japanese CSOs
Jun. 2018 Study session about Tokyo2020
Jul. 2018 Briefing session about HLPF
Sep. 2018 International symposium about disaster and climate change
Feb. 2019 Symposium about local agendas
Apr. 2019C20 summitin Tokyo
Jul. 2019 Symposium about G20 Summit in Osaka

Action 2: NETWORK
SDGs Japan is the hub to build the multistakeholders' network to implement comprehensive countermeasures of SDGs in Japan, collaborating_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_local governments and CSOs, private sectors, government
SDGs Japan is the hub to build the multistakeholders' network to implement comprehensive countermeasures of SDGs in Japan, collaborating_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_local governments and CSOs, private sectors, government
As of 2018, recognition ratio of SDGs is around 20 percentage.
SDGs Japan shall endeaver to promote SDGs and its agenda through media coverage, events, and information materials.
-Basic SDGs Instruction Book
SDGs Japan published the book to introduce UN SDGs Agenda and descriptions which were written by CSOs.
-Sustainable Story Project
SDGs Japan organizes a series of study sessions mainly for the media.We have picked multi-theme agendas like biodiversity and agriculture,Tokyo2020 and climate change, etc.
-Original SDGs badge
collaborated withNPO ShinseiandYAMAGUCHI SANGYOU Co., Ltd., SDGs Japan promote original SDGs badge. Shinsei, 2017 SDGs Japan Award winner, designed and made badges, using eco-friendly leather which has been provided by YAMAGUCHISANGYO.

Organizational profile

Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs (SDGs Japan)
Established on 20 Apr. 2016 (registered as a General Incorporated Association on 27 Feb. 2017)
Our members (as of November 2019)
Governing Board members:
OHASHI Masaaki, Co-chair (The Open University of Japan)
Atsuko Miwa, Co-chair (Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (HURIGHTS OSAKA))
Katsuji Imata, Board Member (Japan NPO Center)
Tomoko Hoshino, Board Member (Environmental Partnership Council)
Miki Nagashima, Board Member (Malaria No More Japan)
Eriko Nitta, Board Member (SDGs Japan)
Tatsuya Ishihara, Board Member (Okayama NPO Center)
Mikiko Otani, Board Member (Otani & Partners Law Offices)
Haruna Kuraishi, Board Member (Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability (JYPS))
Yukiko Nakanishi, Board Member (Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International)
Jiro Itoh, Board Member (Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union)
Internal Auditor:
Satoshi Asami (certified tax accountant))
Tetsuji Tanaka (NGO Forum for International Solidarity Levies)
Kaori Kuroda (Ex-president of SDGs Japan)
Eriko Nitta, Secretary-General
Masaki Kubota, Advocacy Coordinator
Kayoko Shima, in charge of general affairs and accounting
Articles of Incorporation
Contact Us:
#604, 1-7-10 Iidabashi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0072 Japan
Phone: +81-3-5357-1773 Fax: +81-3-5357-1774
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